January 1996, freshman year of college: my best friend gave me a journal and convinced me it would be worthwhile to write in it. And write I did. Every night. It didn’t matter what couch I was sleeping, how late it was, or how dry my contacts were: I took my pen and journal with me and put my thoughts on paper.
Organizing my scattered thoughts into something coherent turned out to be a wonderful thing – both therapeutic and entertaining. So I wrote every night that year and then I did it again for the next three years. Feeling squeezed for time, or maybe just lacking perspective, I quit writing – for almost a whole decade. In 2009 I started journaling again, everyday, and was loving it. But then I met a girl and we got married, and then had a kid, and work is hard, and then another kid, and then I bought the business, and then another kid, and then another one, and you know how it goes….
Well here I am, 25+ years after the start, back at it, but this time putting it out there for anyone to see. Why do this? I’ve always been content to write for my own edification and enjoyment, but who knows – maybe someone out there will get something out of it.